Preparing Your Pet For Surgery - Vets in Cranbourne
Preparing For Surgery

Preparing Your Pet For Surgery

Vets on Balwyn provides the highest quality of care for your pet. As your pet has been booked in for surgery or anaesthesia we would like to inform you of the extra-care options available.

Intravenous fluid therapy

General anaesthesia or heavy sedation causes a pronounced drop in blood pressure. Coupled with surgery this can have serious consequences. Intravenous fluid therapy maintains your pet’s blood pressure during anaesthesia, helps protect your pet’s kidneys, reduces recovery time and provides an immediate way to administer drugs in the case of an emergency.

Intravenous fluids will be started a few hours before surgery at the same time your pet’s pre-medication is given. The intravenous fluids will be tailored to your pet’s needs, continued throughout the procedure and tapered off before your pet is discharged.

The cost for surgical intravenous fluid therapy for your pet is $92.40

Pre-anaesthetic Blood Tests

The more information we have about your pet’s health the better we are able to look after them. It is for this reason we recommend a blood test before any anaesthetic or surgical procedure. Pre-anaesthetic blood tests investigate the function of your pet’s major organs such as the kidneys and liver. Even in apparently healthy cats and dogs, pre-anaesthetic blood testing can pick up underlying medical conditions prompting modifications to their anaesthesia.

Vets on Balwyn has a sophisticated in-house blood analyser which enables us to process your pet’s blood and receive the results the morning of their procedure.

The cost for a pre-anaesthetic blood profile for your pet is $90.70.

Do not feed your pet from 10pm the night before the planned procedure and remove water first thing in the morning. Please keep your pet indoors the night before admission.

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